Tuesday, September 25, 2007

HIV and Diabetes

I don't think I ever mentioned this on my blog but I volunteer at a local hospice every Tuesday evening caring and looking after HIV / AIDS patients. I have been volunteering for the last couple of months now and everytime I visit the hospice I hope and wish not to see the patients that I tend to the previous week. In most cases they would have been discharged and sent home which means that they will live but in some other cases, their condition deteriorates!

Today we had a couple of new patients and there were two very young guys. They appear to be recently out of school - which is relatively young for them to be infected by HIV but then again, HIV see no boundaries, race, age, religion, gender and socio economic conditions. I didn't get to speak to thm but my other colleagues did. I felt sorry for them but then again, I could be like them if I had made one wrong mistake in my sexual activities. I said a silent prayer for them for I wish them good health for many years to come. To be able to see and feel the world! Be able to be accepted by people in the general community.

So I still don't understand the risk people take just to have casual partners, fuck buddies, open relationships to satisfied their sexual needs. I read a article recently that some people have likend the idea that being infected by HIV is like having diabetics. Yeah right! Come on get a life. Be responsible. After having contact with HIV patients, I think not. Ask them if they prefer to have diabetics or HIV?


Monday, September 03, 2007

On Adjusting

I am trying to put some normalancy into my daily life right now. Can be quite hard and daunting that I am still new at this love game. So far approximately 4 months and going strong. The love and the care of my partner grows everyday. I mean there are days that are just bad but most days are good. I guess I need to deal with the relationship one day at a time. Just trying to enjoy the moments together without letting my overanalysing brain cells going for an overdrive. It does do that to me from time to time when I try to out guess my partner and his intentions! :-) I guess this is part of having each other in our private space and being 100% honest with each other as well.

The moving is is now completed. His stuff is still lying around my area and surprisingly I have been really calm and acceptable. In most cases, I would have flipped to see things lying around as I tend to have this neat freak genes in me. Almost freakish I must say but I have managed this for the last couple of years since living on my own. My apartment use to have the ZEN feel and look BUT now it is chaotic and VERY lived in. I guess the love portion does wonders but not sure how long this will last before my neat genes kick in again.
