Tuesday, August 22, 2006

What is success?

I have been trying to post some pictures on my blog for the last couple of days but this kept on crashing. I have tried keeping the pictures small and even deleted some old pictures but it just won't let me post them. Ah well, I have to start clearing my porn from my diskdrive and see what happens next.

How does one determine whether he/she is successful in thier life? Who judges us? And do we allow others to judge us so that we meet their expectations or is it the other way round? Do you determine your own success?

What is this with us? Why do we need to compare amongst our peers? Family members? Why is this urge to be the best? Why do we need to compete and bring unneccessary stress and pressure on to ourselves? And as part of this process, we aged, our immune system breaks down and we become miserable humans! Or is there another way of living? Let me know and I will gladly take this option.

Anyway these are some questions that came into my mind whilst walking home with a co worker of mine who made this remark that I'm pretty successful at the age of 34? Am I? I hardly even think about this question but obviously I do yearn to achieve something in my life. Currently is career and weatlh and hopefully on this journey I will be able to find my true love as well. Maybe it's time to consider this aspect of my life and try to be more of a human!


At 12:28 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't use "success" as a word for my life actually. "oh, my life should be successful" or anything at all.

That's because I don't even know what "success" really means. The current life I have might be successful from some perspectives (like I can buy things I want) but at the same time, the current life I have might be unsuccessful from other perspectives (like I don't have awesome abs)

Ergo, I don't use that word but I do use that word on some specific occassions like "Oh my project went very well successfully"

I guess I cannot apply this word to long term plans. Just my thoughts.

Don't think too hard. :-) The key is to be happy. :-)

At 11:30 PM , Blogger Maximus Leo said...

Shigeki san - Success is a term probably use to loosely by a lot of people and I guess this word will drive some people to achieve their aspirations! You are right to say that sometimes we get so muddled with this word, it is almost frustrating! and you are right that the key here is happiness! Oh by the way, I still don't have an awesome abs - that is totally FAILURE :-)


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