Sunday, April 02, 2006

Weekend Blues

I have my two really good friends visiting me in Tokyo this week. So being the so called tour guide, I have been pretty busy with showing the sites and the pubs in Tokyo.

Hence I have not been able to read my favourite blogs this weekend without being caught!. They don't know that I blog! Have kept this new activity pretty secret from everyone!

They don't know that I'm dealing with this gay issue as well and have been wanting to tell them. They deserve to know but i just can't get myself to tell them. I believe the time is right but just haven't found the right opportunity to do so. Telling them would put me at ease to know that some of my closest friends finally know the real me and I don't have to play straight all the time with them :-) But then again, if I do come out to them, will this be official that I have come to terms about myself?

Who knows???


At 11:42 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm...telling people that you are in this situation does not mean that you have come to terms with the so-called "rainbow identity".

You know, and I know, that there is no absolute way to put a label to everything, i.e. by doing this, does it equal to this? by wanting to do this, does it make me this? by wearing this, does it make me more on and so forth. So, we can safely just do what we feel is right, what we feel is comfortable for us, without having to put a tag on all of our actions.

Telling them doesn't mean that you are at ease with the situation you are in. It's just a way of telling them that you're in such a predicament. Perhaps that might have a word or advice or two to offer?

At 10:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your friends must be very lucky that they were able to be here during the most fantabulous cherry blossom viewing moment of the year. :-) I hope they did see a lot of cherry blossoms while they were very beautiful.

Well, just go with the flow. It's not good to think too much on monday. you have four more days to survive. :-) You have a great weeek!

At 7:19 PM , Blogger Rick Bettencourt said...

What a great opportunity to devulge something such as your quandry about being gay to your friends. You could tell them that your "exploring" it: Be up front and honest. Say "hey look I'm not sure if I want to admit this even to myself so it's hard for me to say but I think that I might be gay. This shouldn't change anything between us I just wanted to be up front and honest...I value your friendship and wanted to be open with you. Again, I have my doubts myself sometimes but it would be nice to know you're there for me."

I don't know...something like that. Keep us posted. What a great opportunity!

At 11:33 PM , Blogger jjd said...

Finding the "right opportunity" kept me from telling my closest friends for years. If I can offer one piece of advice its: there never is a right time to blurt out "I'm gay".


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