Monday, March 20, 2006

Just Zoff

I like my Sundays to be quiet and easy but sometimes that is not possible because either I'm trying to recover from a hangover or travelling out of Tokyo to play tourist and gosh I love my Canon Digital IXUS 50! It does wonders to photography for amatuers like me.

On Sunday I hung out at my favourite cafe on Harajuku - call Zoff and had one of the better coffees around Tokyo (or at least amongst the cafes that I have hung out).

Why Harajuku? Well this is where Tokyoites come to spend thier day shopping and strolling and this is the best spot to check out trendy Tokyoites as well. At least I wasn't alone at the Cafe - that would be drastically sad. I was with my project colleauges from work - 2 single ladies (lets call her J and the other colleague - lets call her T). As usual we were just talking and staring into the main street checking out the trendy people strolling along Harajuku. Typical of the ladies checking out the couples walking hand in hand and somehow the topic of relationships came out, then came the cosmic power effect and wosh the discussion is somehow deflected to me. This time J tried to define my perfect woman - around 28 years old, professional, likes reading and definitely into her arts. Likes her red wine and travelling and know how to appreciate good coffee! Well I was thinking to myself and I wish this woman was a guy. That would be perfect and to add-he must have abs to die for, not too tall (as I'm only 5'7), kind hearted and 100% commitment to a monogamus relationship! No hanky panky stuff. I just shrug my shoulder and she said I was fussy! Now - does this mean that she suspect that I may not be straight? Ah well, I'll probably go speed dating next time round! Gosh that would read desperation all over my face! :-)

And being St Patrick's day weekend, I could't resist taking a couple of pictures with the Irish and Japanese flag side by side. Unfortunately I did not find any interesting pictures of little green people or leprechauns running around.

This red building just fits into the weekend scene. Jeez, was it cold and windy for a Sunday! Now where is spring???


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