Sunday, March 26, 2006

100 things about me.

Like every freaking blog that I have read so far, there is an entry about 100 things.... So i guess I'll join this group and be less original!

1. Born in the year of the Rat.
2. I'm a Leo.
3. I have lived in 5 different countries - Malaysia, UK, New Zealand, Singapore and Japan.
4. My favourite cities - Hong Kong, Auckland, London, Tokyo, Bangkok, New York and San Francisco.
5. My favourite food - Japanese (Fresh Tuna rice bowl), Italian, Thai, Indian and Malaysian.
6. I prefer Japanese rice (short grain) to long grain rice right now.
7. My favourite cocktails are Caipirinhia, Mohito and Sea Breeze
8. I like blue coloured shirts.
9. I'm into my digitial photography.
10. I definitely prefer NZ wines over Australian or French wines.
11. I would like to own a Volksvagen Golf GTi 1.8 black.
12. I've an iBook and an iPOD
13. I would buy anything that is design by Apple if I have additional funds.
14. I was never into sports when I was young. I hate sweating.
15. Now I'm a gym freak and love sweating
16. I've completed the Singapore Marathon in 2001 in 5 hrs 30 mins.
17. Since then, I have completed 6 half marathons in Singapore and in NZ.
18. I would like to do the Boston and NY Marathons
19. I only appreciated Union Rugby when I was 26 years old. Bloody good game!
20. Still don't understand the game of Cricket.
21. Do not appreciate soccer-just can't comprehend the sport and why there are 20 something guys chasing one ball.
22. I enjoy watching competitive diving because of the men!
23. I have been to a couple of rugby games to watch the game and not the men!
24. I'm keen to do Rugby World Game in NZ, 2011.
25. I'm always cheering for the All Blacks - especially Dan Carter. He is HOT.
26. I have done the 7 Rugby Series twice - in Hong Kong and in Singapore.
27. I would like to watch the Dubai and Wellington 7's games.
28. I'm still working on my abs - have been doing this for the last 5 years and I'm not even there yet!
29. I have had a trainer in my last gym. I still look the same (must be the food and alcohol)
30. I use to have a dog while I was 10 years old and it ran away. I was a bad person. Since then I have not had a pet.
31. I like cats... they are easy to look after.
32. I dislike people who shower their pets with pearls, cute pink dress and blue jeans. I think there are alot of people in this world who could use these additional funds for food and clothing.
33. I contribute to a children's fund on a monthly basis.
34. I'm a Buddhist but I believe in practicality when it comes to religion.
35. I believe in doing good.
36. I dislike anyone who preaches about their religion. I stay away from them.
37. I'm not a vegeterian and I eat beef.
38. I like Chinese Vegetables.
39. I love all things garlic
40. I can just cook.
41. I drink at least 5 cartons of milk per week. This translates to about 2 glasses of milk a day.
42. I love Apples but there are so expensive in Tokyo.
43. I only like NZ apples. They are small and crunchy!
44. I only eat mandarin now for my fruit intake.
45. I have started drinking carrot juice to clean my liver up from the alchohol intake.
46. I don't like gambling but I do punt on the stockmarket.
47. I have never smoke pot.
48. I'm not a smoker but I smoke when I'm a pissed head.
49. I would like to smoke pot one of these days.
50. I don't do drugs AT ALL.
51. I can't sing and hence Karaoke is a NO NO for me-only when I'm pissed drunk.
52. I have never owned a car under my name even at Uni.
53. But I have two drivers licences.
54. I've worked part time as a gardener in my uni days. Since then I've been in a full time job with a corporate company.
55. I've never worked as a waiter or a cook but would love to own a cafe.
57. I would like to be a Barista.
58. If I had to go through university again, I'll choose Design and Architecture.
59. I would like to own a bookstore and a cafe.
60. I would like to do pottery.
61. I must have at least one cup of coffee per day.
62. I must have my coffee and read my newspaper in the weekend. Failing to do so means that I did not have a weekend.
63. I love travelling - have covered most of Asia, Oceania, some parts of Europe and Canada/USA.
64. Next on my list would be South Africa, Egypt, Jordan, Chile, Argentina, Trans Siberian Railway, Angkor Wat in Cambodia and possibly Burma when they get rid of the military regime.
65. I would like to visit Ireland and Italy again.
66. I would like to visit Norway and Iceland on my to do list.
67. I'm still single...
68. I'm denying my own sexuality for fear of the repercussions
69. I have a family but they live in various parts of the world.
70. None of them know that I'm a confused person.
71. Only 4 people in this world know about my issue and only 2 have access to my blog.
72. I knew I was different when I was in Hawaii when I got to some see some half naked men :-)
73. When people suspect of my sexuality, I will deny it at all cost.
74. I have fallen for 2 guys -but they are staight. So that was the end of any feelings. We are still friends and they don't know about it. I have moved on.
75. I have had 2 major crushes on two guys I know but they are taken! One staight and one gay!
76. My love life is pathetic.
77. I love reading books except science and fantasy. I just can't follow the plot.
78. I read my Fitness and Health Magazines on a monthly basis. I'm not sure what to do with them once I finished reading them. Over the years, I have accumulated enough to start a second hand business on magazines.
79. I like dancing.
80. I have done salsa, ball room and meregue classes. My partner (who is a lady) had given me so much pressure on dancing that I have given up.
81. I don't dance anymore.
82. If I do, others will think that I've swung to the other side especially if I'm in my semi tight black t shirt!
83. Last time I was at a club where I trully enjoy dancing was 5 years ago! That's sad! And I can dance!
84. If I was given a chance to come back to this world again, I would like to me an exotic male model :-)
85. When I was a teenager, I never rebel against my parents.
86. I didn't own my first pair of Levi's jeans until I was almost 22 years old!
87. I was a geek and I'm still one.
88. I'm very emotional person and happen to cry at movies or when I'm reading.
89. My circle of friends are very small right now.
90. I hate making small talk.
91. I believe I procrastinate but I think it's just plain lazy or time mismanagement.
92. I'm very good at being single now. I found out blogging and digital photography.
93. My best friends are still my books.
94. I'm never good at languages, all though I have done Mandarin, Malay, German and now Japanese. I struggle even with the English language.
95. I dislike doing public speaking. I froze most of the time and I need straight vodka to stay focus.
96. I tried Toastmasters and survived only a couple of months.
97. I look younger than my age. I have an issue with this.
98. I smile a lot and that's probably why I look younger.
99. Looking young in my profession doesn't help.
100. I have seen Brokeback Mountain twice now!


At 11:26 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 2:18 AM , Blogger Rick Bettencourt said...

Only one cup of coffee? I could only wish.

At 4:38 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

89. My circle of friends are very small right now.
=> hope it is getting bigger now... :-))


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