Monday, September 04, 2006

Midnight Owls

Wow - what a weekend!! I'm still mentally exhausted from the marathon work that we did! What a hoot! (not sure whether this is an appropriate description of what we did!!). Managed to stay away from coffee or Red Bull throughout the night but gosh it was a challenge to do any mental work! By 4 am, I was slurring and could not even construct a proper sentence! My shoulders and neck were tight.... Gosh at that ungodly hour the only thing I could think was for a nice muscled guy giving me a full body Bali/Thai massage with lavender oil! knew I had to either take a rest or hit that pot of coffee!

Anyway, completed stage 1 at 4 am on Sunday morning. Walked out of the office to go back home to take a short nap and a shower. As I got I out, I noticed this guy who was sleeping on the pavement - with his bags close to him. Obviously he was one of the guys who stayed a bit too late in town and could not make it for the last train home!! :-) But what stuck me was he was at ease sleeping on the pavement, not too worried about obvious vagrants or mongrels tyring to steal his possessions OR maybe he was too drunk to even consider the risks. However being in a relatively safe part of Tokyo, he was safe. Where on earth can one sleep on the pavement without being mugged? This is just so surreal!

I managed to hail a cab home. On the way home i noticed a lady power walking!! What on earth is she doing this on a Sunday morning at 4 am?? Doesn't she want to sleep at all? Isn't Sunday a rest day? But I was impressed with her sheer determination. I don't think I could have done that but having said that when I was training for the Marathon a couple of years ago, I had to wake up around 4 am on Saturday and did my long runs! That was the only time I could train without killing myself in the humid weather!! Well - I'm a sucker for pain anyway.


At 11:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, what a "crazy" hard worker. :-) I hope you take good care of yourself after all though. your company won't do anything about your health, you know. My motto is "I will never let my company kill me!". :-)

Um... was that guy sleeping in the street me by any chance? I obviously passed out and slept in the middle of Roppongi Hills last Saturday. :-) I didn't get mugged at all.


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