Sunday, February 12, 2006

Just a crazy world

This is my first attempt to write something about politics and the world events....

We have been indaunated with news from CNN/BBC and the newspapers about the riots in Middle East, protesters in the UK, Indonesia and Malaysia over the issues of the caricatures of the Prophet. Reading the news and watching them on TV indicates that this world is simply crazy. There are differences in cultures, opinions, religions, gender issues, sexuality and many more. But what I don't understand is the force behind this craziness.

In one aspect of the issue, is the freedom to write and express opinions and the other is to respect the religion of others as well. So how do we draw this line? No doubt there would be lots of discussions and opinions of these issues and what we are going to do as a civil society....BUT sometimes I ask myself, are we really that civil?? We talked about respect and what is this about? In my own simple view of life, the word respect in its form is a behavourial pattern that is asked for when our society is increasingly globalised. That means that there are 1001 views of how issues that are interpreted, we may not necessarily believe that is the right way of interpretation but we choose to excercise our disagreement and walked away from it. Not to show anger, not to kill and not to burn buildings down. Example, when the President of Iran said that the Holocoust never happen, did the Israelies burnt and tortured other Iraninian buildings. No! When the terrorists attacked New York city - did the West burnt and closed down embassies? why the hypocracies? But then again, the policies of the west have not helped either! So are we heading for a clash of civilization? I think so..... looked at the craziness of this world!.

The solution is to ensure that we are open minded, mature and secular in nature. It's time to separate religion from politics.


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