Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Self help books

Damn! I should not have drunk that last cup of coffee at dinner. I am still alive and kicking at 1:30 am!! What do you do when you mind is still active? Watch BBC, Read the Financial Times, Business Times, Blogg and download porn!! :-)

Christmas has come and gone! and now the new year is just around the corner! Somehow instead of just taking things easy, I decided to go through some unpacked boxes. They were sitting in the storeroom for the last couple of days begging me to open these boxes but I was too scared to open them. I could here them screaming in my ears - open me up, open me up, open me up! No - I am not dreaming and I am not losing my mind as well. In fact I am still reasonably sane!!

So after a very lousy Thai lunch I had wih the family, I decided to head home and go through these boxes. Go though I did and I did not realised that I have so many books that I have collected over the years. I have had gone through them again, I would easily gotten myself a new MBA degree!! I was amazed how much I have spent over the years reading and collecting these books. In addition to the collection, I managed to soak up the so called knowledge like a sponge (if only). Why do I still feel so under developed and inferior compared to others??

To share some of the books that I have read throughout these years -

1. Mars and Venus on a Date - John Gray (here trying to act straight and be the straight guy that is expected of you by the wider society - I did not pass Chapter 5 and got bored!!)

2. The Five People You Meet in Heaven - Mitch Albom (I was hoping to do some more stuff in my life!)

3. Dare to Fail - Billi PS Lim - (Again I was hoping to do some more stuff in my life!)

4. In my onw Words - Dalai Lama (Okay, I was trying to be religous and understand why am I here!!)

5. The Purpose Driven Life - Warren (Too much of a Christianity slant here - I got a bit cheesed of by the mention of God thought out the book - so gave reading this book eventually)

6. Follow Your Heart - Andrew Matthews (Ok - did not get really far with this, I am still not following my heart!! - it is now confused with the brain!!)

7. Being Happy - Andrew Matthews (Still a sad bastard!!)

8. Manual of the Warrior of Eight - Paulo Coelho (Can't remember the gist of the story but it was recommended)

9. What should I do with my life? - Po Bronson (Ok - I was inspired by the stories he collected but I am not convinced somehow - so I am still where I am since I last read the book)

10. The Richest Man in Babylon - George S Clason (I know it is a good book but just can't remember the contents of the book)

Now - after going through these self help books, don't you think I should know better than to feel sorry about my pathetic superficial life!!

Happy Reading!!


At 9:48 AM , Blogger savante said...

Whoa. You really like self-help books!

At 4:51 PM , Blogger Harvey said...

I understand, I didn't read self-help books (or any non-fiction books for that matter) but I did read those self-help articles in the newspapers in the past but I think although they make a few good points, they're kinda useless in general. We can only change ourselves to a certain extent.

At 11:16 PM , Blogger Maximus Leo said...

Paul - when you are an emotional screwed up like me - these books helped to a certain extent!! :-)

Thanks Harvey - I usually used these self help notes just to put my life into perspective! You know when things get a bit tough!!

At 8:24 PM , Blogger Rick Bettencourt said...

I love self-help books too. Maybe someday I'll write one: A Gay Man's Guide to Life


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