Thursday, December 14, 2006

Miyajima Island

After a sombre day in Hiroshima, I did what every tourist did when they first arrive in Japan! Try to make a trip down south to the island of Miyajima. The most photographed shrine in Japan. Also known as Itsuku-shima shrine, it is just the most famous torri gate.

When I first approach it, I was wondering what was the fuss about the torii gate but trust me, after seeing the gate, I know what was the fuss about. It just fantastic! Being a tourist and an amatuer photographer, I tried to snap as many photos as possible but unfortunately, my Canon decided that it worked too hard the day before and decided to retire for the day. Yes - I had to decide what is important and took these photos.

I decided to take a walk through the forest. The map I had described the hiking route as easy and I was suppose to be at the top of the island in an hour. Yes - after some gruelling butt excercise and shreding some calories - I managed to get to the top of the mountain on Miyajima Island. After having some issues with the battery life of my camera, I resulted to using my cell phone to take some of the pictures around the Island of Miyajima!

And yes, I bought more pottery on the island! Gosh was my bags full when I left Japan.....


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