Wednesday, July 12, 2006


My horoscope for the week read something like this....

Unfinished business projects will this week attract public criticism. Older colleagues are now highly motivated to prove thier skills. After Monday, watch for revised deadlines or unusual team instructions to triger tensions or reveal private ambitions. Remain silent. This is not the right time to draw attention to the social or political tactics of coworkers. Thursday through Saturday accent social progress and romantic improvement! Expect close relationships to become closer.

Now recaping the last 4 days .... yes I have been working my ass to meet two deadlines this week. Hence the late nights again! So that I don't fall behind and if I do agree on delivering the tasks, it will be delivered! So far so good but I'm just keeping a very low profile. got it right. There was one this morning! Am so fucking pissed off.....but hey it's only work. So I'm chilling out by running real fast on the treadmill for 10 minutes..Aarrgggghhhh..

Tomorrow is Thursday..well will see if there is any social progress and romantic improvement! (I'm still hoping for gym boy to appear somewhere and somehow and we will talk. But I do believe he is straight as a pole!!) so what ever romantic improvement I'm going to see will probably be non existent! :-) Cest la vie.....


At 11:38 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, you never know what you will run into. A filthy hot steaming guy could do nice things together in the shower room :-) So far it's pretty much accurate so I'd keep my hopes up if I were you. :-) Good luck!

At 1:00 AM , Blogger Rick Bettencourt said...

Hope you have better luck in the romance department than I. Hang in there my friend.

At 10:21 PM , Blogger Maximus Leo said...

Shigeki san - 2 more days to the weekend! Will see how this so called romantic improvement goes! :-)

Rick - Always hanging out there for the future mate!! always..


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