Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Trade Me

I sometimes wonder why I excercise so hard!

Weights - 4 days a week and 2 days of intense cardio activities. I hit the gym religiously almost everyday after work. I walked back home from work 2/3 days a week and after drinks in town!

And I eat like a rabbit! Salad/omelette for dinner, rice bowl for lunch and myoplex and 2 slices of toast for breakfast!

Ok in the weekend, I live like a normal human being and get drunk on friday nights! That probably takes away half my excercise effort.

The last time I got picked up in the gym was a year ago at a Singapore gym! Since then there has been no lucky strikes :-D Even gym boy doesn't notice me! Sigh....I should just stay back at home and be a slob! On a more positive note, there were women who were giving me the stares...heheheh.

But then again, I exercise because I want to stay healthy and not look good but now vanity takes over! Sigh...I wish I look like one of those Abercrombie models!


At 11:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I only work out for one and a half hours every morning at the gym. I think we have to have three hours each day to get a great bod. But, if you work out right, awesome abs start to appear. seriously. :-) I love my current personal trainer. You should try one of those professionals. :-)

At 1:38 AM , Blogger Wild Reeds said...

Dear Maximus,
I can completely identify with the "stay healthy vs. look good" dichotomy. But do keep up your gymming. Clearly, it is a vital part of who you are, and you enjoy it a lot. And look awesome too!

At 11:19 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bet you look just fine!

At 1:03 AM , Blogger Rick Bettencourt said...

I want to know why stares from a woman are on a "more positive note".

At 10:27 PM , Blogger Maximus Leo said...

Shigeki - 1 1/2 hours!! how do you find the time - blogging, working and dating??? :-) have had a personal trainer but that did not work...I have lousy genes! :-(

WildReeds - Can't think of not wanting to excercise...it's so much part of my routine...it's difficult to imagine not to excercise...

Charles - not good enough to get picked up! :-)

Rick - At least I'm still a potential "partner" or "sex slave" :-)


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