Thursday, May 10, 2007

The Roller Coaster Week

Don't know where to start but this week was pretty hectic for me. Sure I did a lot of stuff, felt really good and thrilled that I have managed it and now paying a physical price of being so Freaking tired but mentally challenged. I never think I could go all the way but I did. So I am purely surviving on adrenaline right now.

Last Saturday, pretty much started off with Dragon Boat team event in the early Saturday morning. Then later in the afternoon, we were at the beach buidling sand castles. That was the best 2 hours of the day. The experience was so pure - just building blocks of castles from sand and with my bear hands. My mind was blank and so focus on the experience and behind this the sea waves beating against the shore and with that I could feel the sea breeze gushing by me. What an experience?? :-)

Then on Sunday, I met this guy at a DO and since then we have been messenging each other. His gaydar immediately picked me up....and the rest has been history! Anyway, I am meeting him tomorrow for our first "date" :-) well not exactly a first date but we are just catching a movie. Nothing serious but boy my heart has been beating so fast since Sunday. It is an experience that I have not had for a long time! :-) Not sure if this is real or what or whether this will last but right now I am so afraid that I will fall and there it goes again - another broken heart. My friend ask me what is my intention - and to be honest I just want a partner and I want to be loved. So we will see how it goes.

So the week has been a roller coaster ride - and just yesterday I volunteered at this hospice looking after HIV patients! Yes - I was there and it felt really good. I mean I was alive and did not feel scared after a while and I even did some massaging. Now this was an experience for me that I could not have learnt better. It just so sad to see people being ostracised by their friends and family and yet so happy for them because they have the yield to leave. Every single moments of their lives is now presious - it is a blessing, even walking is a blessing and to hear the rain drops, it means that they are alive. So simple but yet so powerful. What I learned that day was just amazing. Life is trully simple...and be appreciative of what we have right now and leave life to the fullest.



At 7:55 PM , Blogger Jon said...

Then, I wish you much luck on your date. Hope you find that happiness you want. : )

At 8:54 PM , Blogger Rick Bettencourt said...

Thank you for sharing this. It's good to be reminded about the simple things.

I'm so proud of you!!!


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