Friday, July 21, 2006

Lack of social life

Worked till 9 pm today and went straight to the gym. Then back home!

It's 11 pm on a Friday night and I'm home watching Queer eye for a straight guy whilst blogging! sad and pathetic is this? Not very encouraging life for a closeted gay guy isn't? How on earth am I suppose to find my soul mate if I'm at home everynight! If I'm not home, I'm hanging out with a bunch of straight people!!

I think I'm doom to be alone! To die with a broken heart! Always wondering about the good life of being in a relationship.

Ok, I'm looking for sympathy here! So amuse me!! :-)


At 12:22 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So I guess you need to get laid immediately. On the bright side, you get to hang out with straight people. I couldn't do that, either during the trip.... gee. I talked to myself a lot!! Now, that's pathetic. :-) You have a fantabulous weekend!

At 5:58 PM , Blogger TheDreamer said...

Sympathy is definitely required, but not too much or you will start to wallow, and then never leave your room.

Shigeki has a point, but more urgently than that, you need to develop a gay social life which can run in parallel with your current one. This initially requires having one gay friend. Just one. This is (a) defensible in public and to your straight mates, and (b) opens doors to things like "going out" and "looking at boys". And in due course you can come out to your one gay friend, explain the delicateness of your closeted situation, and begin to explore a whole different social life. And in Japan they will LOVE you.

I sympathise. I moved to London shortly after coming out, and assumed it would be great. It was dire. But then I met a friendly lesbian who dragged me kicking and screaming to a gay bar or two. Then I snogged someone. Yay! Then I met a gay friend at work, and his boyf and his gay friends, and it all started going well.

Now I am in the closet again, and being asked the same questions about why I haven't got a girlfriend etc. I know it's really hard, but it you want to be happy in your own skin, you need to get out there. And I guarantee you will meet someone nice.

Good luck!

At 12:02 AM , Blogger Maximus Leo said...

Shigeki san - Yes...I need to get laid! That has been decided long ago...But man I'm limited to jacking off for now!! Sad eh?? Not still have a life...Have a good weekend.

The accidental activist - true indeed. I have a closeted gay friend but he is married! But he is trully great! So no issues with his decision. So this leave me with 99% straight friends... so a bit of a struggle to get out of my group of friends. I will take note of your advice and hopefully somehow I will apply them sooner rather than later. Thanks for dropping by! Appreciate your comments.....

At 7:13 AM , Blogger Mr RM said...

*hugs, hugs, hugs*

we have similar lifestyles too, i hit the gym almost daily straight from work too...


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