Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Just for the sake of blogging!

Reading other blogs can be quite addictive! REALLY, REALLY Addictive..

My usual routine for the day over the last couple of days back from work have been:
1. Head to the gym,
2. Cooked at home to saviour my new found skills
3. Read the English Daily Yomiuri
4. Read blogs and I have even found my own favourite blogs and have been reading all three of them daily religously) - one from Tokyo, the other blogger from Malaysia and the third one from the US of A!
5. Then write my own blog before heading to bed.

Not sure why this is so addictive but it some how feeds my soul for inspiration. Wanting to know what others do in their spare time, what they think about and what drives them! It is some sort of voyeurism....maybe it's really voyeurism. However, it does generate or create some sort of a support group of bloggers and me being confused (hehehe), I hope to break this cycle and start to live the life that I would like too.

Just a thought here anyway......


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